Summary: Coverage of activities of a B-29 squadron including briefings, takeoffs, flight, landing and taxi scenes. VIPs shown are Gen. George C. Kenney and Maj. Gen. MacMillan (Photo'd by 16th Photo Recon Sq.). Reel 1: 1) Series of LS's of a B-29 under attack by a Japanese fighter while in flight, 1945. 2) Series of shots of B-29's parked and being sealed for storage, 1946. 3) AV's of various airfields where skeleton flight crews are stationed. 4) CU's of newspaper headlines concerning increased air power strength. 5) Series of scenes of flight crews in training. 6) 74'--82' CU of Gen. George C. Kenney and Maj. Gen. MacMillan manipulating and studying a globe. 7) Series of shots of routine duties and activities of Air Force communications, medical, food service and administrative personnel. 8) Series of briefing scenes, preflight inspection and maintenance activities. 9) Series of shots of B-29's taking off and in flight. 10) AV's rrom the pilots position of Goose Bay, Labrador, during approach and landing. 11) MS of several B-29's parked on hardstands. 12) Series of shots of pre-takeoff activities and the takeoff of a B-29. 13) AV's of B-29's in flight--shows CU's of individual crew members during a flight from Labrador to Furstenfeldbruck, Germany. 14) Series of shots of B-29's landing and taxiing. 15) Series of shots of PX and recreation facilities at Furstenfeldbruck. 325' Total footage in reel. Reel 2: 1) Series of scenes of maps and personnel during briefing. 2) MCU's of ground crew loading bombs into a B-29. 3) AV's of B-29's in flight and dropping bombs--shows the target areas. (This was a simulated bombing mission, but there were scenes of them actually dropping bombs--no scenes of impact on target area.) 4) Series of briefing scenes for navigation mission. 5) Series of shots of B-29's and individual crew members during a navigation mission. 6) Series of shots of crew members relaxing in an NCO Club. 7) Shots of a map outlining flight training mission. 8) AV's of a Saudi Arabian oil field. 9) Series of MS's of ground maintenance scenes. 10) Series of shots of simulated bombing mission over England. 345' Total footage in reel. Good